Monday, February 25, 2008

Brilliant Advertising

Recently I found myself helping some classmates by volunteering at the Auto Expo in town.

What amazed me the most was the advertising tactics used by companies to make you want to look at their cars. For example Honda had their car flanked with men marching on a spinning turntable, it was very chick, very French Revolution. Toyota, however, won the battle.

They had a whole television studio re-created in the convention centre. They had TVs, a Green Screen and even an obnoxious, VERY enthusiastic guy who would not stop talking about the "Moving Forward Studio's", all a script Toyota paid him to say.

The premise is that people are told they can do an actual on the spot screen test to be the new Toyota spokesperson. All they have to do is sign a waiver, get in front of the camera and read some cue cards. You even get your own DVD copy, that you can, AND SHOULD, put on Facebook, Youtube and Myspace. Funny...that sounds like free-advertising Toyota, starring people I ACTUALLY KNOW!? What better reason is there to sit through, and pay attention to a commercial? And did they pay me to advertise their product? Nope.

Well as it turns out we made one, Joe, Mia, Julie and I took some liberties and drizzled this performance with a little camp. I of course rushed home and put it on facebook, myspace, youtube and now my blog. Enjoy.

It would seem I am not the only one eager to put this on the tube...

This girl should have picked a shorter commercial... (More time in the glass


This guy is the best I found. He has such passion and is such a great communicator...A back-up camera indeed. (click, click)

Congratulations Toyota, these are some of the most brilliant commercials ever.

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