Friday, February 29, 2008

Audition Advice

So I know auditions for most schools are all done and rejection letters have been sent out, but I just saw this video that has some really great advice and I wanted to share with you all, that applies to almost any kind of audition. Marla says things exactly as they need to be said. Thanks Marla, I wish I had seen this before I had my audition!

That was really good.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Brilliant Advertising

Recently I found myself helping some classmates by volunteering at the Auto Expo in town.

What amazed me the most was the advertising tactics used by companies to make you want to look at their cars. For example Honda had their car flanked with men marching on a spinning turntable, it was very chick, very French Revolution. Toyota, however, won the battle.

They had a whole television studio re-created in the convention centre. They had TVs, a Green Screen and even an obnoxious, VERY enthusiastic guy who would not stop talking about the "Moving Forward Studio's", all a script Toyota paid him to say.

The premise is that people are told they can do an actual on the spot screen test to be the new Toyota spokesperson. All they have to do is sign a waiver, get in front of the camera and read some cue cards. You even get your own DVD copy, that you can, AND SHOULD, put on Facebook, Youtube and Myspace. Funny...that sounds like free-advertising Toyota, starring people I ACTUALLY KNOW!? What better reason is there to sit through, and pay attention to a commercial? And did they pay me to advertise their product? Nope.

Well as it turns out we made one, Joe, Mia, Julie and I took some liberties and drizzled this performance with a little camp. I of course rushed home and put it on facebook, myspace, youtube and now my blog. Enjoy.

It would seem I am not the only one eager to put this on the tube...

This girl should have picked a shorter commercial... (More time in the glass


This guy is the best I found. He has such passion and is such a great communicator...A back-up camera indeed. (click, click)

Congratulations Toyota, these are some of the most brilliant commercials ever.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

My name is BEN.

Start Rant:

I don't know about you, but for the past few years I've come to know IMDB as a reliable, accurate online resource where I can waste time learning things about actors via their online resume's. For example who knew that Lily Tomlin was the voice of Ms. Frizzle on The Magic School Bus? Or that Idina Menzel was on the Beowulf soundtrack. Which I TOTALLY bought...

BUT, my point in all this is that recently I discovered that IMDB has some also less-then-accurate information...

For example it says that Carol Channing was born in Washington in 1921, but we all know that she was actually born on another planet in 1843, making her 165, not 87, that is a big discrepancy folks!

Oh and here is the kicker: I looked myself up, and was pleasantly surprised when I had a listing for Triple Sensation, but upon further investigation I discovered that under "Garth Drabinsky - Himself", I am listed as "Ben Durocher - HERSELF". That's right folks, HERSELF. I mean this would be understandable if my name were more ambiguous like Aaron, or Chris or KD...but BEN? Come now, not acceptable.

End rant.

On another note, my STARmeter is up 764% since last week...I whish I knew what i did...

Monday, February 4, 2008

Season Two

(To be read with energy and vigor):

It's official, Triple Sensation, the show I was on this fall, will be back for a second season. Producer Garth Drabinsky and the same Marquee Panel from Season one are back, and fiercer then ever*! And this year there are audition stops in even more Canadian cities. (Including Ottawa, which by-the-way was not on the roster last year, but is the city Jamie Hodgins and I are from...coincidence? I think not.)
I cannot recommend auditioning enough to any performer. My experience with the show was nothing but positive and I can only assume that the second season will maintain the integrity and dedication to art that the first season had. I was treated with respect, and I felt the producers of the show were very fair and accurate in their depiction of all contestants. And you get to have a kick-ass time on TV.
But if auditioning is not your thing, then I recommend you all watch the show, cause it's a family-friendly Sunday-night of performing arts on CBC, and who doesn’t LOVE a night like that?

Time to awaken the spring in T-dot. Peace Y'all!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

The Happiest Place On Earth, EH?

So, I happen to have the misfortune of falling ill with the flu this week. But this means that I got to spend some quality time with myself on the internet! Anyways I soon found myself taking care of my weekly Disney fix by looking at video's from Disneyland, the "happiest place on earth"; this one took the cake. Somehow I hope she's just bad at making jokes, but from what I know the skippers on the Jungle Cruise are strictly forbidden to stray from the script and I don't think these lines sound Walt-approved...(Watch to the end, it's worth it.)

"Yea, believe me, Mom's so proud!"