Sunday, November 28, 2010

Experiments in Puppetry: A Cabaret

Attending a Conservatory-Style University program comes with many perks, not the least of which is the incredible opportunity to create and workshop one's own work. I recently had the opportunity to fuse my musical theater training and puppetry work in a cabaret entitled "Experiments in Puppetry: A Cabaret".

Along with talented musical theater majors Leeds Hill, Matt Hill, Greg Kamp and Emily Schexnaydre, I created six pieces using varying types and styles of puppetry. From the humorous to the bizarre, this 30 min piece featured everything from table-top tapping, twisted show tunes and a child-eating bear. These experiments, I hope, will lead to new discoveries in the future.

"Experiments in Puppetry: A Cabaret" was Presented on November 22nd, 2010 at the College-Conservatory of Music and accompanied on piano by Anthony De Angelis. Stay tuned for video highlights.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Big River

I was recently fortunate enough to perform in a wonderful production of Big River at The Carnegie in Covington, KY. This really imaginative production was directed by Ed Cohen and Dee Anne Bryll and features some of my very talented friends and classmates. Playing the part of “Tom Sawyer”, and a host of other residents along the Mississippi river, was a whole lot of fun. Check of some pictures from the production and some promotional video of the cast!